Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism-CUNY
Employer Registration

Please complete the following form to register.
You may add/modify any section below later from your account.


* Required Fields
First Name : *
Last Name : *
Company : *
Address : *
City : *
Country : *
State : Zip Code :
Phone : *
Fax :
Email : *
Confirm Email : *
Username : *
Password : *
Confirm Password: *
Same as above? Yes No
(Do not complete following form if the same)
First Name : *
Last Name : *
Company : *
Address : *
City : *
Country : *
State : Zip Code :
Phone : *
Email : *
This section allows you to upload a picture to be displayed with your job postings. Click the 'Browse' to upload a picture from your desktop. You may change this information at anytime later.

Entering your company information, URL and logo are viewable by Job Seekers.

Company Profile :
Company Web Site :
(Use http://)
Company Logo :
(Upload image - Max size 15k)
Company Picture :
(If the image is on the Internet - use http://)

Subscribe to News/Updates
Yes No

Confirmation Code:

Enter confirmation code above